Find Out What "The Meaning Of Life" Means To Women Who Have Breast Cancer




Women, Breast Cancer, Life, Meaning of Life


The goal of this study was to determine the extent to which women's lives after breast cancer treatment had been fulfilled with purpose and served as a solid foundation for their mental health. Their respective mean scores on the meaning of life and social support were 29.5 and 7.49. The social support score and perceived meaning of life exhibited no statistically significant relationships with any of the demographic factors, according to the ANOVA findings. Additionally, the results point to a statistically significant relationship (r = 0.773, P 0.001) between social support and life's purpose. To enhance cancer patients' quality of life, it is suggested that the family's degree of social support be increased.


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How to Cite

Singh, A. (2022). Find Out What "The Meaning Of Life" Means To Women Who Have Breast Cancer. International Journal Of Health Care And Nursing, 1(1), 01–12.
Published: 2022-09-20