Archiving Policy
Self-Archiving Policy
In accordance with the principals of GREEN OPEN ACCESS PUBLICATION, Applied Energy & Artificial Intelligence (AEAI) permits its Authors to self-archive the submitted version of the article, the accepted (peer-reviewed) version of the article, and Copyedited Galley (Published) version of article at any time after its release.
Journal Archiving Procedure
Through normal server backup methods, the Applied Energy & Artificial Intelligence (AEAI) will self-archive its volume in 'as-is' form, with each issue on its own internet server/URL. The third-party partner chosen for this service is Nirmal Integrated Consultancy (Team-NIC), who will archive the volumes on a web-based server that will be accessible from anywhere in the world. Volumes from the past would be available online or on demand. After payment of relevant fees and levies, print editions of any volume will be available on demand (with the exception of the Journal, which has only an E-ISSN).
In addition to self-archiving, the Applied Energy & Artificial Intelligence (AEAI) uploads its material to a number of independent third-party archivers, including PKP Private LOCKSS Network (PKP-PN), CLOCKSS & OCLC World Cat Digital Collection Gateway, and others. Even though the journal is no longer published or available on its official website, access to the material has been preserved.
Third-party archives have their own regulations and procedures that regulate access to them. The official website of the Applied Energy & Artificial Intelligence (AEAI) will have information about these archives as well as links to them.