Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

The Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement of the ADVANCED MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS (AMEA) is based largely on the rules and standards published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The following are the responsibilities and expectations of writers, reviewers, and editors of the journal.


By submitting a manuscript to ADVANCED MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS (AMEA), the author(s) guarantee that the paper is their own, original work that has never been published before and is not presently under consideration for publication anywhere. They also guarantee that any ideas and/or words in the text that are not their own have been appropriately credited through citations and/or quotations.

In most cases, an author should avoid publishing submissions reporting basically the same study in various publications or venues. Such repeated publication is typically regarded unethical publishing activity, and if detected, may result in the rejection of a submission under consideration or the retraction of a previously published piece.

Authors of submissions reporting on original research should include an accurate explanation of the work done, as well as a critical assessment of its relevance. The article should appropriately portray the underlying data. The paper should include enough information and references to allow others to duplicate the work. Fabricating results and producing false or wilfully incorrect assertions are unethical practises that can lead to a manuscript or published article being rejected or retracted.

When the paper discusses commercial software, hardware, or other items, the authors must add a declaration at the start of the publication stating whether or not there is a conflict of interest and describing the nature of any potential conflict. The paper should also include a list of all sources of financial support for the study.

If a paper is accepted for publication in ADVANCED MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS (AMEA), the author(s) agree that the published work will be copyrighted under a Creative Commons “Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License” licence. Under the terms of this licence, the author(s) retain the copyright, but others are free to reproduce, distribute, and display the original work, as well as derivative works based on it, under specific restrictions.

Authors are responsible for getting formal permission to use any photos or artwork in their articles for which they do not have copyright, or for adapting any such images or artwork for use in their articles. The image(s) or artwork must be made expressly aware that they will be freely available online as part of the article under a Creative Commons “Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License” licence.

The names of the writers should be published in the article in the order in which they contributed to it, and each author is responsible for their own contributions. Only those who have made a significant contribution should be listed as authors; those who have made only a minor or insignificant contribution (e.g., colleagues or supervisors who have reviewed draughts of the work or provided proofreading assistance, and heads of research institutes/centres/labs) should be listed in a "Acknowledgments" section at the end of the article, immediately preceding the Reference List. The corresponding author must ensure that the article includes all suitable co-authors and excludes any inappropriate co-authors, as well as that all stated co-authors have viewed and approved the final version of the article and have consented to its publication.

When an author discovers a serious error or inaccuracy in one of his or her articles published in ADVANCED MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS (AMEA), he or she owes it to the editors to contact them as soon as possible and work with them to rectify or withdraw the piece as needed.




Reviewers for the ADVANCED MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS (AMEA) work for the journal as volunteers. Given that the majority of these persons are employed full-time, reviewing for ADVANCED MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS (AMEA) cannot be their first priority. Reviewers are entitled to refuse requests to examine certain manuscripts at their discretion, for example, if their present employment responsibilities and/or other obligations prevent them from completing a review in a timely manner and doing justice to the assignment within the term given. They should also refuse manuscript review jobs for which they are unsure about their qualifications.

Reviewers who have been assigned to a manuscript are usually required to complete their reviews within three weeks. They should withdraw from the project if it becomes clear at any point that they lack the necessary expertise to conduct the review or that they may have a potential conflict of interest in conducting the review (e.g., one resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, institutions, or companies associated with the manuscript).

Reviewers' access to secret information or ideas received via the peer review process must be kept private and not utilised for personal gain. Manuscripts submitted for review must be considered as secret documents, and they must not be displayed or discussed with anyone unless the ADVANCED MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS (AMEA) Editor has given permission.

Reviewers are urged to conduct their evaluations as objectively as possible, refraining from making personal attacks on the author (s). They are urged to articulate themselves properly and to explain and defend any recommendations they make. Even if the manuscript is not publishable in their perspective, they should make every effort to give specific and helpful input to aid the author(s) in improving their work.

Reviewers should note in their reviews any relevant published work that the author(s) hasn't mentioned, as well as any occasions where correct credit of sources hasn't been supplied. They should alert the relevant editor to any significant similarities between the manuscript under consideration and any published articles or papers that they are aware of, as well as any ethical issues they may have about the research contained in the manuscript.




The ADVANCED MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS (AMEA) Editor has ultimate responsibility for deciding whether or not a manuscript submitted to ADVANCED MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS (AMEA) should be published, and in doing so is guided by the journal's policies as determined by the editorial board, and constrained by any legal requirements that may be in effect at the time regarding libel In making publication choices, the Editor may confer with the Associate Editor and other members of the editing team, as well as reviewers.

The editors shall assess manuscripts on the basis of their intellectual substance, regardless of the author's race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, religious views, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political ideology (s). They will not reveal any information about a manuscript under consideration to anybody other than the author(s), reviewers and potential reviewers, and, in certain cases, editorial board members of the ADVANCED MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS (AMEA). Furthermore, the editors will make every effort to maintain the blind review process' integrity by not disclosing the name of an article's author(s) to the reviewers of that paper, and vice versa.


In addition to standard criteria such as the rigour of the manuscript, the quality of its presentation, and its contribution to humanity's stock of knowledge, editors will look for evidence that ethical harms have been minimised in the conduct of the reported research when evaluating a manuscript for publication. They will examine if the advantages in this particular research outweigh the risks. Because the ADVANCED MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS (AMEA) accepts articles from all countries, it is important to note that laws and regulations governing research ethics and ethical approval differ from nation to country. As a result, the editors may need to clarify this with the author(s) and require that they provide a letter from the appropriate institutional ethics committee or board approving the study.

When contemplating withdrawing, making an expression of concern over, or issuing corrections for papers published in ADVANCED MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS (AMEA), the editors will follow COPE’s Guidelines for Retracting Articles. They are dedicated to working closely with research organisations and institutions in accordance with COPE’s advice on Cooperation between Research Institutions and Journals on Research Integrity Cases.