Preparing Students for the Future Ready Workforce: Role of Education




Entrepreneurship Education, Work-Integrated Learning, Workforce Skills, Preparedness, Personalizing Learning Experiences, Vocational Education


Employability of entrepreneurship education students is sometimes disregarded in educational studies. This research attempts to address this vacuum by investigating how entrepreneurship education could facilitate or hamper their entry, expansion, and transfer to the labor market. The paper provide theoretical arguments based on a processual understanding of employability. This chapter also covers Work-integrated Learning (WIL) and its implications for launching teacher education courses. It emphasizes the potential for improving employability, career development, and pre-professional identity. incorporating WIL models throughout the course of study, educators may assist students in considering their professions, values, identities, abilities, and knowledge, preparing them for the future instructional workforce. Educational entrepreneurship is critical for educational institutions to respond to social requirements, transfer key skills, and maintain greater education accessible in a globalized world. To improve students' employability and performance, institutions must embrace innovations in education while accepting their responsibility. The current condition of workforce readiness and employability is experiencing substantial disruption as a consequence of disruptive innovations that involve the emphasis on specialized skills and practical proficiencies including digital literacy, problem-solving, communication, and flexibility. Technological advances are causing a revolutionary change across businesses, compelling individuals to improve their skills and develop digital literacy. The study proposes refocusing curriculum and teaching techniques on problem solving, teamwork, computational thinking, and lifelong learning. It promotes trans-disciplinary learning while decreasing rote memorization. Students should be introduced to ethics, philosophy, and social sciences in order to critically evaluate artificial intelligence's (AI) influence on society. Project-based learning encourages resilience and complicated problem-solving skills. The twentieth-century industrial paradigm is considered inadequate for developing the skills required for AI systems. Policymakers and educators need to collaborate to establish learning environments that encourage critical thinking and innovation.


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How to Cite

Sharma, M., & Ismail Iqbal, M. (2024). Preparing Students for the Future Ready Workforce: Role of Education. Wisdom Leaf Press, 1(5), 57–64.

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