Sustainable Agriculture and Renewable Energy Integration




Renewable Energy, Bio-Organic Greenhouses, Climate Change, Biogas, Biofuel Conversion, Fossil Fuels


Studies emphasize the significance of renewable energy in fostering economic gains and augmenting functionality. On the other hand, minimal study has been done on the planning and execution of renewable energy systems that incorporate ecosystem biodiversity—which sustains the local flora, fauna, and human populations—into account. The study addresses the creation of a robust greenhouse model with cutting-edge energy technologies, such as solar panels and fuel cells, which encountered challenges with their local application since they consumed both heat and electrical energy. Compared to traditional methods, modern agriculture utilizes more energy and is largely dependent on fossil fuels for operations like heating, machinery operation, fertilizer production, and grain drying. This leads to a significant increase in greenhouse gas emissions, of which 35% originate in developing countries. Combining retrofitting and an energy audit, this study identified ways to reduce the amount of energy consumed and greenhouse gas emissions on an agricultural property. To optimize renewable energy output, four alternative energy systems—including solar and bio-energy—were identified after load profiles were examined and retrofits were put into operation. The article investigates the advantages, drawbacks, and prospects for employing renewable energy in agriculture as a substitute of conventional energy. For stakeholders and academics interested in sustainable energy methods, it provides an in-depth examination of alternative energy sources and their applicability for energy management. The analysis highlights the necessity of enhancing energy management through a more comprehensive strategic approach. Despite the many advantages of low-carbon energy, this article explores the rewards and difficulties associated with renewable energy projects in rural regions and makes policy recommendations to support this transition.


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How to Cite

Sinha, A., Thapliyal, S., & Sharma, M. (2024). Sustainable Agriculture and Renewable Energy Integration. Wisdom Leaf Press, 1(2), 26–31.

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