CORRIGENDUM: Update to Published Article's || Volume 2 Issue 4


Dear Editor’s/Reviewer's/Reader's/Author’s,

We hope this correspondence finds you well. This is to bring to your attention the need for a corrigendum to be published for the article title “Can Analytics Improve Manufacturing in Heavy Machinery Industry? Studies from Mexico, published with DOI : : 10.55938/ijgasr.v2i4.66”in IJGASR, Volume 2 Issue 4.

The reason for this corrigendum is related to citation manipulation that was identified subsequent to the article's initial publication.

Upon further examination, it has come to our attention that certain citations in the original article were inaccurately represented. We immediately took action by contacting the authors, who promptly acknowledged the oversight and provided the necessary corrections. In adherence to our commitment to transparency and integrity, we have thoroughly reviewed the corrected information and find it necessary to publish this corrigendum to rectify the errors in the original article.

The corrected & update version of article’s is available online with same DOI.

We sincerely apologize for any confusion this may have caused and appreciate your understanding and cooperation. In accordance with our policy, we have termed this correction as an "Erratum" as per our Article Correction, Retraction, and Misconduct Policy accordingly. The revised policy is accessible at the following link: Article_Correction_Retraction_Misconduct_Policy

We remain committed to upholding the highest standards of scholarly publishing and appreciate your support in maintaining the integrity of our journal.

Thanks & Regards