Analysing the Efficacy of Training Strategies in Enhancing Productivity and Advancement in Profession: Theoretical Analysis in Indian Context
Training Strategies, Productivity, Career GrowthAbstract
An assessment of those needs, also known as a needs analysis, must be carried out in order to ascertain if the organization's requirements, objectives, and concerns can be achieved or addressed via training. In conducting our research, we reviewed training and development-related writing from 1971 to 2023. We believed that the use of more sophisticated training evaluation techniques and statistical approaches, together with an increase in the technological complexity of training design and methodology, set the post-1971 era apart. To be effective, a qualitative review must place more of a focus on qualitative methods of evaluating training effectiveness. Similar to earlier training and development reviews, the present study considered practitioner-oriented literature if it met the criteria listed below for inclusion. A thorough search of the academic literature was conducted to find empirical studies that assessed training programmes or examined the effectiveness of specific training components. After reviewing their abstracts, it was decided to keep 58 articles and papers since they had the proper information. Our research showed that organisations with a strong reputation for employee development are a completely different tale. The majority of businesses monitor the effects of their training efforts in the area of organisational effectiveness. For the second category, increases in productivity, revenue, and profitability are typical signs of organisational success. Overall, there is far more research on team and individual benefits than there is on organisational ones.
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