The Impact of AI on Recruitment and Selection Processes: Analysing the role of AI in automating and enhancing recruitment and selection procedures
HR Practices, AI Tools, Bibliometric Research, Recruitment, SelectionAbstract
Human resource management is the process of identifying, recruiting, hiring, and training talented individuals, as well as providing them with career advancement possibilities and critical feedback on their performance. The purpose of this study was to investigate the function of AI in HRM practises using qualitative bibliometric analysis. Scopus, emerald, and the Jstore library are used as data sources. This analysis contains adjustments to data spanning 18 years.
It also showed that there is a constant improvement and introduction of new technological conveniences. In accordance with the present market climate, which promotes and celebrates process management and people management practises targeted at making the organisation economically viable and different from the competition, this is a positive development. This work advances the theoretical understanding of AI's growth in the HR sector in light of this reality. Articles and proceedings examined in this research reveal that different authors and academic institutions provide different perspectives on the problem.
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