ICT's Impact on SMEs in Zanzibar: A 360-Degree Appraisal
Information and Communications Technology (ICT), Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s), Socio-Economic Growth, Enterprise Development, Significance of ICT, Adoption Challenges, SME Performance, SPSS Analysis, Policy Interventions, Digital LandscapeAbstract
The integral role of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in global socio-economic growth is universally acknowledged. Zanzibar, too, recognizes ICT's potential to foster enterprise development.This study conducts a focused analysis of the symbiotic relationship between ICT and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Zanzibar, encompassing ICT's significance, adoption challenges, and its impact on SMEs' growth. Employing a descriptive research design, data collection involved a structured questionnaire distributed to a random sample of 100 respondents. Analysis was conducted using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS), yielding insights communicated through percentages, tables, and graphs.
The findings underscore ICT's pivotal role in SME development, with a substantial proportion deriving benefits from its integration. Key variables—ICT's importance, implementation, and influence—are identified as catalysts for improved SME performance. However, challenges persist, including limited expertise, slow internet, setup costs, and security concerns, underscoring the need for refined ICT strategies. Recommendations echo the importance of continuous ICT enhancement, advocating for advanced tools to secure competitive advantages. Moreover, policy interventions by governmental bodies and private entities like the Chamber of Commerce are deemed necessary to facilitate SME education, training, and advisory services. This collective effort promises not only individual business growth but also national economic advancement.In summation, while ICT is a linchpin, factors like technology, customer care, and trust are equally vital. Governmental support for SMEs' effective ICT integration emerges as a core necessity, propelling Zanzibar's SMEs towards amplified growth within an increasingly digital landscape.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ahmed Said Mohammad; Mohammed Makame Haji, Khalfan Salim Suleiman

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