Ethical Decision Making in Soft lifting-A UAE Based Case Study
Soft Lifting, Ethical Computer Self-Efficacy (ECSE), Ethics, Self-Viability, Self- AdequacyAbstract
Soft lifting is a type of software piracy that is prevalent in today's computer-dependent world. Soft lifting is a type of software piracy in which software is installed or duplicated in a system in violation of its license agreement. In software development, ethical decisions are critical, as they have a significant impact on end users, organizations, and the environment. As the problem of copying affects soft lifting behaviour, the research lends some credence to the postulates model. Most notably, the study found that one's ethical perspective of soft lifting has no bearing on one's softlifting activity. These findings have significant implications for both software companies and academics who are aiming to prevent piracy through ethics education.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Dr. Beenu Mago, Amira Abdullahi Aideed, Hassan Salim Al Ali, Sultan Saeed Alnuaimi, Fahad Rashid Al Qahtani

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